All of my sculptures are created by cold hand bending steel rod or tube and judging by eye, a personal technique that I have developed and continue to advance. With this I am able to create unique shapes and forms not possible using machines or other conventional methods.
Sculpting 16mm stainless steel tube for Chelsea Flower Show 2019
In 2016 I first began experimenting with steel, creating sculptural gifts and furniture for friends and family using a range of techniques. My passion quickly ignited and I formed an expanding range of original outdoor sculptures and garden ornaments each made uniquely by hand. My business formed and I began exhibiting at garden shows across the UK, creating bespoke commissions, and working with gardens designers on new and exciting projects.
I have attended shows such as Affordable Art Fair, Ascot Spring Garden Show, Woburn Abbey Garden show, Gardens Illustrated festival and more. In 2018 and 2019 I joined Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants at RHS Chelsea Flower Show with sets of large ‘Globe’ and ‘Impulsive Line’ sculptures, where both gardens achieved gold medal! In 2022 I’m pleased to showcase my work in a number of exciting locations such as with Surrey Sculpture Society, Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden, Affordable Art Fair, Byard Art and Sculpture Lounge Ltd. See my ‘Where’ page for a full list of my appearances for 2022.
Each year my work has progressed, and I naturally apsire to create more advanced and fresh designs. I still create small work enough for an indoor shelf or outside flower bed, as well as full scale bespoke instillations that can take years to develop.
In 2022 my passion focuses on further exploration of the limits of my medium and my ideas, but particularly I am focused on interior work. I choose to view art as a platform for question, not for answers. I’m inspired by simplistic and direct designs that explore and incorporate multiple themes including natural beauty, presence, geometry, character, individualism, family, pattern, contrast, colour and 3D engagement. I thrive on the challenge of mixed scale pieces, heavily developed projects and true originality. I hope to create many new editions of all my series.